Don’t Panic: Tax Resolution Firms Can Help with IRS Back Taxes

by Andrea Miller on December 11, 2019  0 Comment

Don’t Panic: Tax Resolution Firms Can Help with IRS Back Taxes
If you owe unpaid back taxes to the IRS, tax resolution firms can help you negotiate a settlement or a payment plan that makes your IRS tax debt more affordable. These firms are typically run by tax attorneys or certified public accountants (CPAs) who have the knowledge, experience, and authority to work with federal and state tax authorities on your behalf. Services Provided by IRS Tax Debt Resolution Firms Tax resolution firms work with individuals and businesses to resolve complicated tax issues. They provide a range of services which typically include: Negotiating penalty abatement, in which associated penalties are removed from your past-due tax balance. This is significant since these penalties can add as much as 25 percent to your ...

Know Your IRS Back Tax Assistance Options

by Andrea Miller on May 12, 2018  0 Comment

Know Your IRS Back Tax Assistance Options
The IRS offers several back tax assistance options for taxpayers that may be going through difficult financial times. Depending on the circumstances and the amount of tax involved, these measures can vary from deferred payments to back tax forgiveness. You, of course, need to meet certain conditions to qualify for such assistance programs. If your back taxes are greater than your income and assets put together, or if repaying the back taxes put you into undue economic hardship, you should consider seeking back tax assistance services from an experienced tax counselor. Back Tax Assistance Options Under the IRS Fresh Start Initiative The first of a few back tax assistance options is the IRS Fresh Start Initiative originally started in 2008  ...

12 Things You Must Know to Negotiate a Favorable IRS Tax Settlement

by Staff Writer on September 29, 2017  0 Comment

12 Things You Must Know to Negotiate a Favorable IRS Tax Settlement
Do you owe back taxes? Are you looking at a bill for a lump sum of money you need to pay to the IRS and thinking there’s no way you can pay it? Here are 12 things you must know to negotiate a favorable IRS tax settlement. If you consult with a reputable tax professional and follow their directions, you may be able to reduce your overall back taxes, set up a payment plan, and get back on your feet as you begin to pay off your back taxes. But first, there are 12 things you must know to negotiate a favorable IRS tax settlement. 1. Come to Terms with Your Back Taxes This first step to an IRS tax settlement ...