If you can pay the tax bill, including all fees and penalties, by the due date, your best course of action is to pay it.
But if you don’t have the money to pay your tax bill in full, do not ignore it! Ignoring a tax bill or collection letter will only cause fees and penalties to continue adding up. With time, unpaid tax bills can lead to wage garnishment, an IRS tax lien, or a levy. The IRS may also seize your personal or business assets (depending on the taxes owed). In a worst case scenario, unpaid taxes can lead to jail time.
It’s always best to stay in communication with the IRS and understand that you have options. Some people decide to negotiate with the IRS on their own. Here at Solvable, we don’t recommend that. You have other options, including hiring a tax attorney or a tax relief firm to help you negotiate an installment agreement, an offer in compromise, penalty abatement, or another legal way to help you manage your tax bill.