What To Do When You Receive a Notice of Federal Tax Lien

by Andrea Miller on January 18, 2019  0 Comment

What To Do When You Receive a Notice of Federal Tax Lien
If you have unpaid back taxes and do not respond to IRS notices about this back tax, you will receive a Notice of Federal Tax Lien. This public document gives the IRS claim to your assets and property to repay the back taxes. Taking steps to resolve your back taxes even if you cannot afford to pay in full can help you avoid a tax lien.   The IRS will send you a Notice of Federal Tax lien if efforts to collect your back taxes have been unsuccessful. This document is a public record and establishes a claim on your property, including, but not limited to, real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, and even earnings. Taking steps to resolve your back ...

Can the IRS Shut Down My Business?

by Shannon McKee on January 11, 2019  0 Comment

Can the IRS Shut Down My Business?
Falling behind on your business taxes can result in the IRS taking steps against your business to recoup the money you owe. The IRS has to follow the rules and protocols in place that can protect your business from being shut down outright. Working with the IRS to solve your business back taxes is in your company's best interests in preventing the forfeiture of your business assets or having to shutter your business. As a business owner, you've put significant resources into your business with long hours and personal sacrifices. The question of whether the IRS can shut down your business can be one that may make you worry that all you've worked for could come to an end. Some ...

All About the California Society of Enrolled Agents

by Jill Bridges on January 11, 2019  0 Comment

All About the California Society of Enrolled Agents
Since 1976, the California Society of Enrolled Agents (CSEA) has advocated on behalf of enrolled agents across the state and the country, seeking to increase knowledge of the profession and to improve tax laws. Enrolled agents belonging to the CSEA are tax experts that can assist both individuals and businesses with their tax needs. Before enrolling with the CSEA, agents must pass a certification exam and pay annual dues. Becoming a member of the CSEA provides agents with various networking and job opportunities. Provisional members can benefit by getting discounts on the certification exam. Interacting with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be stressful, especially if you're dealing with back taxes. If you need help dealing with the IRS, working ...

How to Remove a Tax Lien Notice From Your Credit Report

by Shannon McKee on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

How to Remove a Tax Lien Notice From Your Credit Report
An IRS tax lien notice can be removed from your credit report before the full seven years has elapsed. Your IRS tax lien notice is eligible for removal if there was a mistake on the paperwork, you are working on your payments, or you can prove that having it removed will make it easier for you to pay them the money back. There is a set process in place that you can follow to have your tax lien notice removed from your credit report.   When you finally pay off an outstanding back taxes, those should be removed from your credit report, right? You made the payment, and it's no longer something you owe, but the negative back taxes remains ...

A Collector Calls: The IRS Will Now Use Private Collectors

by Annie Beverly on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

A Collector Calls: The IRS Will Now Use Private Collectors
The IRS now uses four private back tax collection firms to cold call individuals with delinquent back taxes. The Taxpayer Advocate Service has condemned this method for encouraging private tax collectors to bend the law. Many scammers are pretending to be private back tax collectors working on behalf of the IRS — but there are ways to spot them and not get caught out.   In 2015, Congress approved legislation which allows the IRS to use private back tax collection agencies. Fast forward to 2019, and the IRS has hired four private back taxes collection firms to cold call individuals with delinquent back taxes. Even worse, some of these back taxes collection firms arrive at people's homes unannounced; a cause ...

Back Tax Assistance: Real Help or Only a Scam

by Shannon McKee on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

Back Tax Assistance: Real Help or Only a Scam
Not all of the services available to people with back taxes are created equal as some companies are only interested in the check you write them. When researching back tax assistance services look for red flags that a company may be looking to scam you out of your money. A real back tax assistance service will offer an honest assessment and documentation on helping you with your tax situation. Imagine the realization that a mistake occurred on your taxes, and you owe the IRS money. You go through your options and turn to a back tax assistance service. Then, you later find out that the company you thought was going to help you turn your back taxes around is an ...

How These 4 Changes to Tax Law Will Affect American Business Owners

by Annie Beverly on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

How These 4 Changes to Tax Law Will Affect American Business Owners
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of December 2017 has brought about the largest reduction in the corporate tax rate in American history. Business owners who make their income on pass-through entities can now claim 20% of it as tax-free. There are many other large tax breaks available for different business entities.  However, previous tax breaks, like those for entertainment expenses, business meals, cycle-to-work schemes, and business relocation, have been scrapped or reduced. There's been a lot a buzz in the financial community about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act since it was first announced in December 2017, and that isn't dying down. The Act is the most comprehensive change of tax law in 30 years; the last time the ...

Am I Eligible for Back Tax Relief?

by Annie Beverly on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

Am I Eligible for Back Tax Relief?
It's estimated 21 percent of the American workforce is in tax debt; many are not yet aware of it. The IRS is often willing to compromise to help individuals pay off their tax debts when they can afford it, and no sooner.  If you think your tax debt is too large to ever be cleared, you may be able to reach an Offer in Compromise with the IRS and pay back less than what you owe. When you owe money to the IRS, it can feel like your tax debt problem will never go away — but that isn't the case. Like any creditor, the IRS is willing to reach a compromise to make sure they collect what you can ...

Resolving Back Taxes From a Spouse

by Anna Chumakova on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

Resolving Back Taxes From a Spouse
Typically treated as a single unit, married couples can still separate their assets and liabilities for tax filing purposes. Your liability for your spouse's debt will be determined by your relationship status and how you filed your taxes.  Several filing strategies can help you protect your assets from being garnished because of your spouse's debt. In terms of the law, married couples are deemed as a single unit with shared income, assets, and liabilities. However, in the tax filing process, the distinction might be made between the two individuals, particularly when one spouse owes back taxes. Whether you are liable for your spouse's taxes will depend on the status of your relationship when the debt was incurred and how you ...

Struggling to Settle Your Back Taxes? Filing for Financial Hardship Offers a Solution

by Annie Beverly on January 10, 2019  0 Comment

Struggling to Settle Your Back Taxes? Filing for Financial Hardship Offers a Solution
30 million working Americans are currently not witholding enough each month to pay their taxes in full. The IRS offers many payment plans to help individuals pay off their tax debt in a comfortable and timely manner, depending on their circumstances. If paying off your tax debt will endanger your ability to live a normal life now, you may be able to file for Financial Hardship. If you are struggling with tax debt, you're not alone. An estimated 30 million Americans — 21% of the tax-paying workforce — aren't withholding enough each month to pay their taxes in full. Tax debt frequently starts as a small problem which then balloons in size, and slips out of your control. With an increase in ...