What’s the Best Way to File Business Taxes?

by Jill Bridges on May 22, 2018  0 Comment

What’s the Best Way to File Business Taxes?
When you run a business, you probably have a lot on your mind every single day. In addition to making sure that your company is successful, you want to be certain that your employees and customers are happy and you're meeting all legal requirements for your business, including correctly filing your taxes. Filing taxes can be difficult for even the most experienced business owner, and unless you're a large corporation with a dedicated tax department, it's likely that you'll be handling your business taxes on your own. Fortunately, managing your business taxes isn't as difficult as you might imagine, especially if you keep a few important facts in mind. Learn how to file business taxes correctly so that you can ...

When Should You File Your Business Taxes?

by Jill Bridges on May 22, 2018  0 Comment

When Should You File Your Business Taxes?
Running a business can be extremely complicated, requiring you to keep track of a great deal of information. In addition to making sure your customers are happy and your business is financially stable, you also have to be certain you're paying your business taxes on time and in the correct amount. Failing to pay your taxes on time can put your business in a very precarious situation, which is why it's a good idea to learn about the different deadlines for business taxes so you can make sure you don't run afoul of the IRS. Find out when business taxes are due and get some tips for keeping track of them so you can focus on making your company as ...

Fundamentals of Filing Business Taxes

by Anna Chumakova on May 22, 2018  0 Comment

Fundamentals of Filing Business Taxes
As tax season approaches, many entrepreneurs, especially new business owners, become stressed and anxious over the filing process. Business owners get overwhelmed by the idea of digging through endless piles of paperwork trying to find important records or documents. However, the right information, tools, and organization techniques could turn filing business taxes into a smooth and effortless affair. Understanding what you are doing will not only spare you unnecessary stress but will also prevent any tax problems down the line. How and when to file your federal income taxes will depend on the structure of your business. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations must file different tax return forms. You might need to file additional forms if ...

Calculating the Average Cost of a Tax Attorney

by Jill Bridges on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Calculating the Average Cost of a Tax Attorney
Calculating the average cost of a tax attorney is a stressful situation. Even if you're scrupulous about paying your taxes, it can be easy to make a mistake that puts you in hot water with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and fixing your tax issue can be difficult if you don't know what steps you need to take. If you're facing a problem with the IRS and want to make sure you respond correctly, hiring an experienced tax attorney can be a good solution. However, before you hire an attorney, it's important to get an idea of how much you will need to pay. Here is some information to help you understand the average cost of a tax attorney along ...

Understanding Bank Levy Laws by State

by Jill Bridges on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Understanding Bank Levy Laws by State
Almost everyone has been in debt at some point in their lives. Whether it's a car loan or a mortgage payment, debt is a fact of life for most people. However, if you find yourself unable to pay for your debt, it can result in serious consequences, including bank levies. Understanding bank levy laws by state can help you avoid those consequences. When your bank account is levied, it can impact your financial stability by making it difficult to cover your normal expenses. It's also possible that your debt obligations will increase. However, depending on the laws of the state where you live, you may have access to certain protections that might reduce the severity of a bank levy. Take a ...

How to Get a Tax Levy Removed

by Pamela Kock on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How to Get a Tax Levy Removed
Nobody likes to pay taxes, but the IRS has powerful ways of making sure we do. If you're in the unfortunate position of owing a significant amount of money to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for unpaid income taxes, the IRS will insist on payment by any means, including imposing a tax levy,  seizing your assets and selling them to pay off your back taxes. However, there are steps you can take to keep this from happening and start rebuilding your credit and wealth. What Is a Tax Levy? If you've been notified by the IRS that you are subject to a tax levy, you have 30 days to challenge the levy, work out a payment arrangement, or pay the ...

How to Succeed at Income Tax Resolution

by Pamela Kock on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How to Succeed at Income Tax Resolution
It's amazing but true — the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimates that around 8.2 million U.S. taxpayers owed back taxes as of 2009, and that figure probably hasn't changed a lot in the years since. If you are one of them, you understand the stress it can cause. Knowing how to find an income tax resolution to unpaid taxes can help alleviate that stress. Fortunately, the IRS has established many ways that taxpayers can put their worries behind them. Methods range from the quick and simple to complicated strategies that require professional assistance. No matter what you do to find an income tax resolution with the IRS, the main thing is that you need to do something. Failure to make ...

How to Manage an IRS Intent to Levy Notice

by Melanie Green on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How to Manage an IRS Intent to Levy Notice
One of the scariest things that you can get in the mail is an IRS Intent to Levy Notice. If you received one, then you know the feeling that comes with it. For many people, it is not immediately clear what that notice means. However, getting one indicates that you are already aware of the troubles that you are having with the IRS and that they are about to get worse. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to resolve the problem before the levy starts. Addressing the problem head-on can be effective if you understand the IRS's levy process and the notice that you received. Here is a guide to the IRS Intent to Levy Notice, what it ...

In These Scenarios, Rely on a Specialized Tax Attorney

by Andrea Miller on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

In These Scenarios, Rely on a Specialized Tax Attorney
For complex tax situations, depending on the targeted expertise of a specialized tax attorney can help you avoid costly fees and penalties, which in some cases could even include prison time. Hiring a lawyer who specializes in taxation is about more than just filing your return. This type of professional has in-depth knowledge of tax laws and can help you understand and qualify for all the deductions that apply to your situation, potentially saving you thousands. From helping you understand when to itemize deductions to preparing for an IRS audit, a tax attorney is the professional you need to advocate for your interests. What Is a Tax Attorney? This type of lawyer has specialized training in federal, state, and local ...

Essential Steps to Successful Tax Resolution

by John Hsu on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Essential Steps to Successful Tax Resolution
Having the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) breathing down your neck can be a stressful and unsettling experience. While some tax problems can be solved easily, others may require careful analysis and action. The assistance of a qualified tax professional is always recommended. Regardless of the severity of your tax issue, it's always best to reach a successful tax resolution as soon as you can. Nonetheless, fixing a tax problem can be a daunting task if you aren't familiar with tax laws and the way the IRS works. Then again, there are effective steps you can take to achieve a successful tax resolution and financial freedom. How to Deal With an IRS Notice The IRS sends out notices for a variety ...