A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring a Tax Resolution Specialist

by John Hsu on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring a Tax Resolution Specialist
If you're having problems with your taxes, you aren't alone. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), one out of 15 American taxpayers experiences some kind of tax problem. Nonetheless, it's important to solve your tax problems before they get out of hand. If not handled promptly and properly, back taxes can quickly become overwhelming, and the IRS' complicated procedures and requirements don't make things any easier. If you find yourself burdened with back taxes, it's a good idea to seek the assistance of a tax resolution specialist. Here's a complete guide to hiring a tax resolution expert. What Is a Tax Resolution Specialist? A tax resolution specialist is a tax expert who represents taxpayers in their dealings with the IRS ...

How Does IRS Settlement Work

by John Hsu on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How Does IRS Settlement Work
Being behind on your taxes doesn't only increase your financial stress. It also exposes you to the dreaded experience of dealing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you don't resolve your tax debt promptly, the problem can quickly spiral out of control. You can be easily overwhelmed if you're struggling financially or unfamiliar with tax regulations and procedures. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to settle your tax debt. Here's a helpful guide to understanding IRS debt settlement. What Is IRS Debt Settlement? IRS debt settlement works in the same way as other kinds of debt settlement. It involves negotiating with the IRS to pay less than the amount you owe. A tax settlement typically results from a ...

How IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service Can Help You

by Gouri Gupta on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service Can Help You
Putting your case before the IRS in the right manner requires a lot of knowledge and expertise in the field of taxation. Under the tax law, you can have a tax attorney to represent you before a federal tax authority. If you are facing trouble dealing with the IRS, or if any federal taxation issue is causing undue hardship to you, then the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service can offer you some respite. What Is the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service? The Taxpayer Advocate Service is intended to serve as taxpayers' voice at the IRS. It is an independent organization functioning under the supervision of a Taxpayer Advocate, who reports to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. In each state, there is at ...

How You Can Stop a Bank Tax Levy

by Jill Bridges on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How You Can Stop a Bank Tax Levy
While you may have heard the term, you might not know exactly what a bank levy is or what your options are for dealing with this serious issue. Everyone has a variety of payments they must make on a regular basis. From mortgage payments and taxes to your monthly utilities, it can be easy for these payments to pile up and cause some people to miss important payments. Creditors have one tool at their disposal to collect; a bank levy. Learn a bit more about it, and how to stop bank tax levy. Bank Levy Basics Essentially, a bank levy is a method for creditors to recover money they are owed that you have failed to pay. When a creditor ...

Best Tax Settlement Companies: Negotiating Your Back Taxes

by Jowanna Daily on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Best Tax Settlement Companies: Negotiating Your Back Taxes
Many taxpayers do not know how to pick one of the best tax settlement companies to help them negotiate their tax debt. Owing back taxes can be unsettling, and it is easy to become overwhelmed, especially when dealing with the IRS. Unlike your other creditors, the IRS has a broader boundary when it comes to debt collection. The penalties associated with any tax debt can put you and your family in a financial crisis. What is the impact of owning taxes? What are your options? Who can help you? Tax settlement agencies are like debt settlement companies, except they serve consumers who owe the IRS more money than they can pay. Like debt collection agencies, some firms exploit consumers facing ...

Bank Levy: How Long Does It Last?

by Jowanna Daily on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Bank Levy: How Long Does It Last?
Both the IRS and creditors can use a bank levy and wage garnishments as extreme measures to collect outstanding debt. While the laws are different depending on whom you owe, the procedure is similar. The IRS and the Department of Education, though, have more reach than the other creditors. What Is a Bank Levy? A bank levy or a bank garnishment takes place when a creditor (someone you owe) files a legal document with the court, so he or she can withdraw funds from your bank account to collect on outstanding debt. Before a levy is issued, your creditor goes to court and receives a judgment for the money owed. You have a period to respond before the bank levy. ...

How to Stop an IRS Tax Levy

by Pamela Kock on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How to Stop an IRS Tax Levy
If you've been contacted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and informed that you owe back taxes, you're probably under a lot of stress while you figure out how to handle it. An IRS tax levy is a serious situation that can affect all aspects of your life. The IRS may use any possible means to get you to pay your taxes, including a tax levy. Read the guide below to find out how to stop an IRS Tax Levy. Steps Toward a Tax Levy When the IRS determines that you owe back taxes, there are several steps it must follow. It will send out five automated letters to notify you that taxes are due and give you multiple chances ...

Your Comprehensive Guide to IRS Representation

by Melanie Green on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Your Comprehensive Guide to IRS Representation
If you file your taxes, there is a chance that you will be audited by the IRS. This is especially true if you have a high net worth or income. An audit by the IRS can be a routine procedure and doesn't mean that you are in trouble. Follow this guide to IRS representation. Many people who go through audits each year for seemingly innocent reasons. However, there are also those who may have intentionally misreported their taxes. The IRS investigates all of these instances in the same way. That is why getting an audit notice feels as if the IRS is coming after you. The best way to handle your fears is to get the right help as soon ...

Your Guide to Understanding a Property Tax Levy

by Melanie Green on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

Your Guide to Understanding a Property Tax Levy
No matter where you live in the country, you will have to pay property taxes if you own a piece of real estate. Property taxes are a way of funding local governments. By levying a tax on every property owner, the local government gains a wide net of income resources that it can use to support government operations. If you own property, then here is your guide to understanding a property tax levy. Property taxes have been in existence for hundreds of years and continue to be a local government's main source of funding. The rates for these taxes are based on the overall value of the owned property. This can make calculating the value of your taxes more complicated. ...

How to Find a Tax Attorney and When You Need One

by Andrea Miller on May 14, 2018  0 Comment

How to Find a Tax Attorney and When You Need One
When you have issues with the IRS, you need support — a professional who can advocate for your best interests. While a certified public accountant (CPA) can help with most types of tax problems, certain complex issues require in-depth knowledge of the extensive, frequently changing tax laws. In these situations, you should find a tax attorney in your area who has the expertise you need to protect your best interests and successfully resolve tax debt and related problems. Tax attorneys can also help with complex matters such as international trade taxation and advantageous business structures. Reasons to Hire a Tax Attorney A CPA handles standard tax matters such as planning, preparing, and filing your returns. While he or she is well-versed ...